
Showing posts from November 25, 2007

back in full effect

well school is back in and i'm ok with that. i am going to get my self caught up with work and talk with my professors and pray for some A's and B's. lol!!

friday, sleep friday

i amlost got cussed out for sleeping late yesterday morning... my mother went to wash and i stayed at home while my brother went to work. the busiest shopping day of the year...

thanksgiving day post...

TURKEY DAY! i actually helped with the cooking this year. my brother and i made the stuffing with our mom. my sister and her daughter came over and we had so much fun.. i wasa so glad to be at home and even more happy for my bday which is in another month from thanksgiving...

last wednesday's post

wellit is the day before thanksgiving and i glad to be home for the first time since the semester began. i chose to do it that way, but i am still glad to get away from the ambience of school right now.

last tuesday's post

glad that it is over. i am more excited that i get to go home this wednesday...