I've Been Gone For a Min...

...but I'm back with the Jump Off!, LOL!

Hello to all readers! It has been a while, but I had something I wanted to share, as always! So... Here we go!


As I told everyone in my first "Official" post, I am not employed. I am not worried, however, because I know my Savior has something bigger and better for my life (sooner than later, those who know, know what I'm talking about!) I'm not going to preach to anyone since I don't know the extent of the readers' spiritual beliefs, but you know what I mean. :) Since my lack of work has begun, I have been reading the Classified section of the newspaper every Sunday, just to see if my luck would change. I have been reading some very interesting stats regarding employment and reading the advice given by industry professionals who have been there and know what to do. Here are some of the stats and advice I found and hopefully it can be of some help to others:

23% of people are unsatisfied with their jobs (not a surprise)

Networking is important to get your foot in the door (heard this many times myself)

Social Networking sites are a good way to start the networking process (cool! Twitter has actually worked for me)

65% of workers plan to switch careers in the next year (again, not a surprise)

55% of workers are allowed to work remotely (meaning from home on the computer, for those that don't know lol!)

Oddly enough, recent college graduates are likely to get a career started fresh from college, as long as they have a good plan (i.e. find a job or profession you enjoy or like and keep that in your plans) Also, keep options open when it comes to job requirements or certain positions. Get your foot in the door first, even if it is with entry level position or a job that doesn't pay you what you're worth.

This may mimic the previous percentage statistic but, 30% of workers are actively seeking a new job.

22% of people spend eight hours a week web surfing instead of working (not a surprise either, lol!)

Be cautious when wanting to break the ice or using humor in an interview. It can hinder and help you at the same if not used properly. (Choose when to use it.)

Teaching is a booming career and, like health care, is always looking for workers. Many people are always getting hired and quitting both fields so why not get certified in either profession? Teacher certifications and health care certificates in billing and coding, medical assistant and etc are the next best thing to do in both fields: get CERTIFIED! It's a good second career choice to have as a backup plan if your initial plan doesn't work out.

2 out of three people (about 67%) don't have any creative outlet at work. (probably not a good thing for the artistic type of personality worker).

Now, this is a staggering stat but not one that is too surprising: 53% of workers say flex time is a top job perk. (hmmm....)

Reinventing yourself in today's economy is important, too. Consistently update your skills with the growing job market and make finding a job a first priority. Treat your job search as your full time job where you dedicate most of your time to it.

43% of employees have bought personal items online at work.

Always stay positive, set attainable goals in job searching and learn from your past experiences.

55% of workers are aware of romances between co-workers (dang that's nosy!).

52% of people can't envision their career paths in three years (not good, imo).

Focusing on your job search based on the benefits package is a risk. Talk with an insurance professional before naming that decision. If you want to start your own business, go for it! Don't let the benefits stop you from your goal.

Lastly, one in four office workers (25%) say their wireless gadgets feel like a "corporate leash."

All of these facts/stats are courtesy of the Houston Chronicle and Yahoo! Jobs.

Hope you got a little bit from this post. If you want more info or need some more explanation, write a comment.

I plan to write to write my music post later today, but don't hold me to it, lol!

P.S. If you have a topic you would like me to address, feel free to comment it with this post as well.

Click the phrase above for a tight play list I made from Imeem!

Thanks for reading, as always and PEACE AND LOVE!



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