
Showing posts from September 16, 2007


TGIF!!! THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! I am estatic that the end of the week is here. There are many things that I am still happy about and I just want to go chill without doing anything AT ALL this weekend!!! I hope I can get my hair done too, lol! peace and love everyone! Have a good weekend!

another day of life...

Well, I am happy today. Just cause. No particular reason. I am alos happy that it is one more day before the end of the week. So excited for the weekend!!! peace and love!


It's the middle of the week... HUMP DAY!!! Not feeling up to doing much today but I am excited as to what will take place later on this evening. My emotions are all out of wack right now, to be honest...


Today is Tuesday. I have mixed feelings for today. I feel GREAT because I woke up this morning, but currently I am hurting with a small headache and I just came from the cafeteria. I didnt want my headache to amplify because of the food I ate, but I guess it happened anyway. it's a good chance that I will not eat again until late tonight. MSC food is something else, I tell ya...


This will be my last post today since we have to have 5 of them up to now. I will be posting daily since that is what he wants us to do... can't wait for this class to end...

anotha post...

For those that missed it, you missed a GREAT Senior Recital by Ivory Townsel this past weekend! She was very opinionated and talked about many of the things that people are afraid to say. I hope that people are more open to going to the junior and senior recitals hosted by the Drama dept. They work VERY HARD and should be rewarded for their efforts!!! PEACE AND LOVE!

Monday's Post

Well today is a great day for me!!! I am excited for this week ahead for many reasons. I know that things will turn out for the better and I will become more productive when it comes to classwork. I am really just writing something for the sake of time and space, but my blogs will become more detailed as the days go by...