
Showing posts from November 11, 2007


today I am glad because i no longer have to go to my 11am class after today. thanksgiving is right around the corner and i am glad i can get a break! this semester is looking up for me now...

thursday's post...

today is a great day!!! my boss said i was dressed for success! she was right since i was dressed for work in a professional manner. that's all i have 4 today.

wednesday's post today...

they actually had a "hump day at night" wednesday night. quite intersting but i wasnt there. i guess it was a way to do something different before the end of the semster.

i hate it...

when i miss class. i missed my 1 o clock class yesterday. i had good reason, but i dont know if my professor will understand that. all i can do is ask so, i will talk to him tomorrow. other than that, today is going pretty well! just happy to be here...

two more days until...

my line bday! i crossed into Tau Beta Sigma two years ago this wednesday. I dont know what we are going to do but it will be fun im sure!!! peace and love!

fast fridays...

firday was a good day.. it went by pretty quick and the end of the work week came by even faster. the BET College Tour was here friday and they had a lot of fun things to do: concert, obstacle course, trivia games, hiv testing for the students and a singing contest. the most was the concert tehy had which included: murphy lee, chamillionaire, bun b, lil keke, dj Michael Watts, and juwuan from the st. lunatics. all of these artists were great in their performances and it made me wonder why they chose to participate in colleg tour. guess it was good promo...