
Showing posts from October 14, 2007

another week...

it's been a week and I have another wk until Homecoming is over. Cab has a lot of events planned so I am excited for everything except the stepshow...

wednesday's post today...

hump day was energetic. class was ok. overslept. went to step practice. end of my was glorious since i went to sleep after practice. sleep is a luxury nowadays...


well today was an interesting one. Homecoming is only a few days away. I am excited but nervous all at the same time. I do not want to step @ homecoming but I am willing to do so. Hopefully it will go by fast and it will be over sooner than it started. Only a few days...


I am so happy that I was able to retake one of my midterms today! It is rainy and muggy outside and depsite the fact that I am still wet from the rain, I am feeling great!!!