March 28th, 2012: Is It Wrong?
I posed that question because there are things that I do (although not perfect at), that I would expect others to do, but DON'T do. Is wrong for me to think that people will be courteous? Is it wrong for me to think that gratitude could/should go a long way? Is it wrong for me to move away from someone who sneezes/coughs, while being sick, without covering their mouth? Is it wrong to move on from a job and start your own career? Is it wrong to NOT settle for what you KNOW is not in GOD's plan for you? Is it wrong to expect adults to ACT as such? Is it wrong to be respectful to others' privacy? Is it wrong to put someone down due to their misfortune? Is it wrong to expect children to behave or to be raised properly?* Is it wrong of me to speak properly, as I was raised, AND NOT be judged? Is it wrong to be well-mannered AND NOT be judged? Is it wrong to also write in proper English, as I was taught, AND NOT be judged? Is it wrong to live in a way that isn't what SOCIETY...