The MOST difficult challenges become the greatest lessons to learn from...
As I look at today's date, I just realized that it was on this day, 10 years ago, that I graduated from my Alma Mater, Prairie View A&M University! To say that I have learned so much about myself would be an UNDERSTATEMENT! I will list the biggest or poignant lessons I have learned within the past ten years post Undergrad. The biggest lesson of all: you can't compare your life to others in your circle, class, work life, etc. Although I am still learning this daily, I have come to realize that my journey in life is not going to mirror someone else's life or journey. Too many nights, I have racked my brain trying to figure out: "How did this person get this job over me?" or "I'm more qualified than they are; how are they getting so many interviews?" or the big one: "Now, I KNOW I am smarter than they are, so how are they understanding these concepts or aspects of the job/assignment better than I am?" I would stress an...